Statement by John Loughlin


Date: Oct. 14, 2010

I'm running for Congress because I believe we need a change of course. David Cicilline is a typical Washington-style politician -- and can't be trusted to put America back on track.

David Cicilline illegally collected more than $20,000 in salary that he was not entitled to -- and he only gave it back because he got caught. Today we have $20,000 in this wheelbarrow to show how ludicrous his excuse is. How did he not notice that he took $20,000?

Many Rhode Island families are struggling and are forced to make tough choices between which bills to pay and which to let slide. Many Rhode Islanders would notice a difference of $20 in their account. It is farfetched -- and frankly unbelievable -- that Mayor Cicilline would not have noticed all of this money is his account.

If we were to take him at his word, it raises a larger and equally troubling point. If Mayor Cicilline misappropriated $20,000 and gave it to himself, how can we possibly trust him to keep track of $3.5 trillion federal budget?

We need a change in course. We need to rein in spending, not spend more. The stimulus was a bust -- it didn't stimulate anything, it was just more spending of money we don't have. Obamacare is a disaster -- it hurts seniors, it hurts small business and puts government in between patients and their doctors. David Cicilline supports more spending and supports Obamacare. David Cicilline is for more spending, bigger government and more taxes.

If we can't trust him to watch our money in city hall, how can we trust him to watch our money in Washington?
